In the last few days when I run docker compose up -d I got kicked out of the SSH session. Also when running other docker commands like docker image pull.

At first, I thought my PI was struggling and it was crashing but after a few attempts I noticed it was not crashing and it seemed only something weird with the network.

Googling a bit I found this github issue that was similar to my case and I tried adding a new rule to dhcpcd.conf file as explained here and rebooted:

Prior to my previous comment about this appearing to be an issue related to the wlan0 network interface disappearing when docker-compose up is called, it would appear that this is related to DHCP and the veth* interfaces.

This thread on the RPi forums provided a fix:

Add this to /etc/dhcpcd.conf and then reboot:

denyinterfaces veth*

So far, with this applied, I have not been able to reproduce the issue at all - I can start and stop docker-compose as many times as I want now without any issues. I tested perhaps 20 or 30 times toggling up and down without any issue.

After the change and a couple of successful retries Iā€™d say it solved the issue. Thanks world.