Notes from a CultureAmp course on 1:1 meetings

CAMPS (Certainty, Autonomy, Meaning, Progress, Social inclusion) framework.


  • Goals: What does success look like?
  • Priorities: What matter most?
  • Roles: What s in the scope of the job and future job progression?
  • Decision status: How are things decided?
  • …

Other useful questions to build certainty:

  • On a scale 1-10, how clear do you feel about [x y z]?
  • What should we take away from this conversation?


You have a choice, options, and that your voice matters

  • Task: what they do
  • Time: when they do it
  • Technique: how they do it
  • Team: Who they do tasks with

Useful questions for a project:

  • What do you see as the next step?
  • How would you like to go about this?
    • Instead of simply: we should do this.
  • As the project owner, what order do you want to do this in?

Useful questions for 1:1s:

  • How satisfied are you with how “in charge” you feel of your work.
  • Where would you like more or less freedom?


When we connect employees’ work to things that matter to them they are more engaged, satisfied and productive.

Some questions:

  • What’s important to you about this?
  • What do you see as the main purpose behind this project/task?


Not the big wins that matter the most, but a feeling of continuous achievement.

Some questions:

  • What did you learn from this?
  • Tell me one thing you did well in the last week.
  • How will you break this project up into phases?

Social inclusions

Direct report should feel a sense of inclusion. Whenever we feel excluded, our brain registers it as if we were experiencing physical pain.

  • Small talk: “Hey, you mentioned last weekend you were doing [x], how did it go?”
  • Make sure your direct report feels they have the chance to contribute: “During our next team meeting, can you share [x y z]?”
  • Doing a quick check on dynamics on the team-wide level: “How would you rate the quality of our team meetings?”
  • Ask if they wanted to be connected with somebody in the company.